At the Crossroads of Europe and Asia

Turkey's Geography

Turkey is more than just beaches. The country is home to a diverse and rich collection of landscapes. Surrounded by three seas, Turkey has some 8000 kilometres of coastline. The country is divided into seven geographical regions: the Aegean, Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, Southeastern Anatolia, Black Sea, Marmara, and the Mediterranean region. The largest land area of Turkey is Anatolia, which connects Turkey to Asia. Most of Anatolia is comprised of narrow coastal plains and high plateaus. In the east, most of the land is mountainous and connected to major river systems.

•    Total Area: 783, 562 square km

•    Climate: Dry and hot summers and mild winters

•    Highest Point: Mount Ararat 5,166 m

•    Lowest Point: Mediterranean Sea 0 m

These different regions also have varied climates, a feature unique to Turkey. Along the coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, the climate is hot and dry during the summer and cool and wet during the winter. The coastal regions that lay along the Black Sea tend to be cooler and wetter in the summer than other coastal parts of Turkey.

Education in Turkey

Turkey has a well-developed system and resources in education. Education is the foundation of a nation and a strong country, so Turkey attaches great importance to education. Turkey’s education system is: two to three years of kindergarten, four years of elementary school, four years of middle school and university. Nursery schools are not part of compulsory education. They are often cheap and a good standard. Due to the 2005 education reform, all three stages of compulsory education can be completed at national schools. Before going to college (or any other institution of higher education), Turkish students must take the entrance exams. The results of these tests determine which schools they are eligible for.2-3 points in some of the entrance exams may mean a four-year undergraduate degree or a two-year education program qualification.

Turkey currently has about 820 educational institutions, including universities. Among them, there are about 85 universities and famous universities including Ankara University, Clamjepthai University, Middle East University of Technology and the National University of Korea, which charge very low fees and admit most of the countries high school entrance exam results.

The curriculum of the school is very diverse and focused on teaching foreign languages, creating an international environment for Turkish students. Learning the first foreign language at a public school starts in the second grade (8 years old), and the foreign language that learns the most is English until the end of high school. In his first year of high school (14), he began to learn a second foreign language and studied German more, but students can also choose French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, or Chinese according to their tastes.

Healthcare in Turkey

High service quality, accessibility for 1.5 billion people from 3 different continents within four-hour flight distance, geographical and strategic location and temperate climate puts Turkey forward in the medical field around the world.


One of the most important elements that make Turkey one of the top countries in healthcare systems in the world is the expertise and experience of the physicians. Due to the general understanding in the country and the education system, intelligent and successful students’ first preferences are the medical schools. On the other hand, due to the population density and structure, the number and variety of cases faced by medical doctors in their fields of expertise are quite high compared to many developed countries. This increases the opportunity of “on-the-job training” and gives doctors an important experience.

What makes Turkey a centre of attraction and makes it advantageous compared to other countries can be summarized as follows:

• Healthcare services above world standards
• Strong health technology infrastructure and high bed capacity
• Number of accredited health institutions and organizations
• Number of specialist physicians in different fields
• Advanced technological treatment methods
• Competitive price level
• Personalized treatment methods
• Foreign language speaking service personnel
• Short waiting times
• Complementary and alternative medicine opportunities in addition to traditional medicine methods


All these features attract tourists who visit the country for health purposes or those who want to live a healthy life after retirement and benefit from high-quality health services.

Turkish Economy

The Turkish economy is distinguished by its general competitive ground in various economic sectors, as it has proven its cohesion and strength with the components of strength and merit it has, also the Turkish economy is a vibrant economy that has been the subject of trust among the international parties interested in the economic aspect, and among the investors in general.


The rank of the Turkish economy globally continuous to improve, thanks to the firm steps that Turkey has taken regarding the development and growth, in addition to this, the private sector has an important position on the economic spectre, also the public economic sector in Turkey is concerned with the work organization and applying the free foreign trade policy, and the freedom to exchange money and services between Individuals and institutions without any obstacles, in what can be described as a free market economy.

Turkey is currently in the eighteenth place as the largest economy in the world thanks to its strong economy, with a GDP of about 736.716 billion dollars, also Turkey aims to get its economy to the tenth place as the largest economy by 2023.


Turkish economy in numbers 2020 – The governmental financial policies supporting the growth of the Turkish economy had an important role in improving the economic growth level of Turkey, where the Turkish economy achieved the predictions of Moody’s International in its report on the global economic and credit forecasts for 2020-2021, it indicated that the Turkish economy is growing faster and faster than it is expected, and it rose it to 3% instead of 2% and expecting Turkey’s economic growth to remain stable at 0.25%, and to rise to at least 3% within 2 years.