Frequently Asked Questions About Turkish Citizenship

Is the Turkish Citizenship by Investment granted for a lifetime?

Turkish Citizenship is granted for a lifetime and gives you the same rights as apply to Turkish Citizens by birth.

If dual citizenship is not allowed from the buyer's country of origin, can this person apply for Turkish citizenship?

Yes. Turkey allows dual citizenships and do not declare your new nationality to your country.

If I become Turkish Citizen on basis of investment, are my parents also eligible for Turkish Citizenship?

Only the spouse of investor and their children, who are under 18 years old are eligible to acquire Turkish Citizenship on basis of the programme. These rights do not apply to investor’s parents.

Do I need to stay in Turkey for any specific period of time to be allowed to apply for Turkish Citizenship by Investment?

Residing in Turkey for a particular period of time before or after the acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Investment is not obligatory.

Do I need to wait for 3 years after making the investment in order to be allowed to apply for Turkish Citizenship?

You can not sell the property or withdraw the deposited amount of 500.000 USD for 3 years. However, you are eligible for Turkish Citizenship application right after you finalize the investment and you do not need to wait for 3 years to apply.

Do I have to speak Turkish to be eligible for Turkish Citizenship on basis of investment?

There is no requirement regarding knowledge of Turkish language in order to benefit from Turkish Citizenship by Investment programme.

How long does it take from the date of property purchase until I receive Turkish Passport?

As soon as you receive Title Deeds of purchased property and complete application file would be handed to the related authorities, evaluation procedures last from 45 days to 4 months.

Is the ownership of the property infinite?

After purchase and obtaining title deeds on your name, you become an owner of a property basing on the same rights as Turkish property owners. You can not sell the property for 3 years as by the Turkish Citizenship by Investment programme but after that time you have a right to keep or sell the property and there is no restrictions in this matter.

Are my spouse and chilren only allowed to apply for Turkish Citizenship after me, as an investor, become a Turkish Citizen?

Your spouse and children, who are under 18 years old are allowed to submit an application for Turkish Citizenship basing on your investment at the same time with you.

Can I purchase a property worth 250.000 USD in installments in order to apply for Turkish Citizenship by Investment?

You can only purchase a property in one instalment via bank transfer in order to be eligible for citizenship application on basis of your investment.

Can the foreigner apply for Turkish citizenship when buying a property with a payment plan?

The application can be made when the payment made reaches to 250.000 USD. If the payment still continues, a notary contract can be signed with the seller and the citizenship application can still be made.

I purchased 3 properties: first one in February 2017, second one in March 2018 and third one in November 2018. Total value of those properties is more than 250.000 USD. Am I eligible for Citizenship by Investment application?

To apply for Turkish Citizenship, the total value of your properties purchased between 12.01.2017 and 18.09.2018 should be minimum 1.000.000 USD or the total value of the properties purchased only after 18.09.2018 must be at least 250.000 USD.

My Child is just below 18 years old. The age will be considered once the application file is submitted or when the application is finalised and citizenship would be granted to the investor?

Age of your child while starting the application procedures will be taken under consideration. As long as you start the application process before your child turns 18, he will be eligible for acquisition of Turkish Citizenship.

One of my children is over 18 years old but still studying in University and financially is completely dependent on me. Can he/she also apply for Turkish Citizenship on basis of my investment?

Children of the investor, which are over 18 years old are not eligible for the application even if they are financially dependent on their parents.

Can there be more than one person indicated in Title Deeds as an owner of a property? Can both of the owners apply for Turkish Citizenship?

Only one person can be the owner of a property in order to be eligible for Turkish Citizenship by Investment application. If there would be more than one owner in Title Deeds, none of them is allowed to apply for Turkish Citizenship within the programme.

After I purchase a property for 250.000 USD and apply for Turkish Citizenship on basis of my investment, do I have to live in this property or can I rent it?

Staying in Turkey for a particular period of time before or after the acquisition of Turkish Citizenship by Investment is not obligatory. It is also not required that you would live in a property purchased within the Turkish Citizenship by Investment programme, you are allowed to rent it.

Do you have any question?